Feeling Overwhelmed with Your ADHD? Revival Psychiatry in Mesa Arizona Can Help You.
People in the ADHD world experience life more intensely, more passionately than neurotypicals. They have a low threshold for outside sensory experience because the day-to-day experience of their five senses and their thoughts is always on high volume. The ADHD nervous system is overwhelmed by life experiences because its intensity is so high.
ADHD Testing for Adults and Children in Mesa Arizona
Wondering if you or a loved one may be struggling with ADHD?
ADHD is so much more than just difficulty with focusing or sitting still.
QBCheck is an FDA cleared technological program designed to help aid in diagnosing ADHD in adults and children ages 6+, and Revival Psychiatry in Mesa, Arizona is proud to be revolutionizing ADHD care for residents of Scottsdale, Phoenix, Tempe, Chandler, Queen Creek, Paradise Valley, and Cave Creek, Arizona.